Selasa, 18 Agustus 2020



Definition of Exposition Text

Exposition text is a series of sentences that aim to explain one idea from one point of view to the reader.  The text in it is made to make it easier for readers to understand the topic of the discussion in the text.

If you translate the word " exposition " itself, you will get the word exposition or description. So, this text is indeed used to describe a subject or topic. With this description, you will know more about the topic or subject.

Exposition text is also known by another name, namely argumentative text . Surely from this word, you know what it means, right? Yes, this is a text that summarizes various arguments about an idea or topic from the author.

Since this is written based on the author's view, there is a high probability that readers will disagree with that view. As a result, there are other views that try to refute the writer's view. This is where the arguments take place, which can form the basis for the emergence of new and better ideas.

In English, exposition text has a lot to do with matters of analysis. Try to search on Google for this word, it must appear is analytical exposition . This is only natural, because to convey one view of an idea, an analysis process of the idea is needed. And, as a result, this can be included in analysis-type text.

The Purpose Of an exposition text

The purpose of an exposition text can be different, some are aimed at influencing or convincing the reader to think from the author's point of view, some are aimed at making the reader aware of the existence of an issue.

Types of Exposition Text

Now, because you have read about one of the types of exposition text above, then you must continue reading about it. There are two types of exposition text that you need to know. They are analytical exposition , as we mentioned above, and hortatory exposition . Here's the explanation.

1. Analytical Exposition

This type of text begins with an explanation of the author's opinion on the theme being discussed. Then, arguments followed in support of that opinion. Finally, the author closes by affirming the opinion at the beginning. You can also rewrite the opinion.

2. Hortatory Exposition

For this one, the text begins with an explanation of the theme or problem being discussed. Then, the evidence and arguments supporting the topic are written. And, this argument is also made so that you as a reader, know or even better agree with the opinion of the author. At the end, the author closes with a solution, suggestion or recommendation about the problem written at the beginning.

When you look at the two types, you can find the striking differences. In analytical exposition , your ideas and views are displayed prominently at the beginning. Followed by a supporting opinion to make the reader understand.

As for hortatory exposition , you reverse the process. Problems at the beginning, continued with argumentation, and all of that was designed to convey your opinion. You can choose both according to your needs and comfort in writing.

Characteristics of Exposition Text

Like other types of text, exposition text also has several characteristics, including:

  • Be objective in discussing problems and do not use words or phrases that emotionally attract readers so that they do not take sides with any party.
  • Informative. This means that after reading it, the reader feels that he has additional information.
  • Text contains facts. Facts that can contain data in the form of numbers.
  • Using standard language with a variety of scientific tunings and a straightforward language style.
  • exposition text always uses the simple present tense
  • Many use conjunctions (conjunctions)
  • Contains arguments.
  • Many use words that contain cause and effect.

Linguistic Structure 

The text structure or generic structure of the exposition text is actually the same as what you have read in the explanation of the argumentative text that I have published before. But for this time I will direct the explanation to the difference between analytical exposition and hortatory exposition which is part of text exposition.

Generic structure of analytical exposition text

1. Thesis

As with other types of text in general, a thesis contains the author's view of a problem in a simple manner. This section is an introduction to the topic or main idea to be discussed. The thesis is always in the first paragraph of the Analytical Exposition Text.

2. Series of Argument

This section contains some further explanations from the simple explanation of the thesis. In this section the writer presents arguments or opinions that support the main idea of ​​the author. The more arguments that are presented, the more readers will believe that the topic being discussed is an important topic. It is better if this section presents the opinion of the experts.

3. Conclusion / Reiteration

This section is the closing section which is always located at the end of the paragraph which contains rewriting or repositioning of the main ideas contained in the first paragraph.

Generic Structure of Hortatory Exposition

Hortatory Exposition has its own generic structure. In this text there are three important parts that must be had, namely:

1. Thesis

Contains the opinion of the author or speaker regarding the topic in question.

2. Arguments

Arguments contain opinions that support the main idea. The more opinions that are written, the more interesting a Hortatory Exposition Text is because readers or listeners tend to believe in an event if there are many supporting opinions in it.

3. Recommendation

Unlike the Analytical Exposition text which has a Conclusion, this text has a recommendation section for the reader to conclude the text. Recommendations contain suggestions addressed to readers on related topics discussed in the text.

Language Features or Linguistic Elements

Now that you know the differences between the two types of expression text above, now you also need to know the important elements in text exposition. There are tons of them, actually. But, this time, we will only give some important elements in this type of text for you to understand.

Generalized participants

Usually, this element appears when the writing is about things that are difficult to describe physically. Therefore, the exposition text will display words like issues, opinion, ideas , and others.

Emotive Words

This one element is used to touch the emotions of the text reader. Not only to create sympathy, sometimes we can also use it to make the reader reject an idea. The words that usually appear and are grouped into this category are for example, innocent, concern, monster , and others.

Technical Terms

From the name, you must understand what this is, right? True, this is a special term that is only found on the topic under discussion. For example, if there is an exposition of text that discusses computers, you will definitely encounter words such as motherboard, resolutions, processor, operating system and others.


Can also be called a liaison, because its function is to connect. This one element consists of words which are conjunctions. For example, therefore, because of, furthermore, moreover , and others.

These words function to connect two or more sentences. And, this is one of the most important elements in text exposition. Why?

Sentences are connected properly, will create a flow or current reading palatable to follow readers. With this good flow , writers can easily convey their ideas. In fact, writers who can take advantage of this flow , can strongly implant their ideas in the minds of readers.


The last is the type of grammar used. In general, most exposition text uses the Simple Present Tense . In addition, there are also many passive sentences in this text.

The use of these two types of sentences is very reasonable, because the main purpose of exposition text is to explain or describe an idea or fact. So, this type of grammar is suitable for the purposes of this explanation.

One more feature that you may also need to know is the use of the word " you ". Mostly, exposition text does not use this word. The author prefers to use the word " we " rather than " you". Why?

As we have already explained, the main purpose of exposition text is to convey an idea and if possible make the reader agree with the idea. The word "you" signifies one person. Meanwhile, "we" is a plural or compound indication.

This means that by using "we", the writer will make you, as a reader, feel that the idea is also approved by many people. By strengthening this element of generalization, the writer will find it easier to invite readers to also agree to the author's opinion.

It just doesn't make sense. However, behind a text, there is a strong psychological element. After all, text was made to convey a message, right? And, whether the message is accepted or not, is influenced by the state of mind and heart of the reader, which is an element in the field of psychology.

There are some linguistic elements of the text exposition . Understanding them will help you to write text in this style. Or, it is also easier for you to recognize text of the type of exposition on the reading source you are using. It also helps you to understand the context of the text.

to be clearer. please see the video below.


Example video about Exposition Text

the video above is about the environment. they explained about 3R (Reuse, reduce and rycle). They explain what 3R is and how to manage 3R.

My example exposition text :

Cramming is Bad

How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you and it is called cramming. Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study before their test. 

This habit can lead to negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is that disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For most students, less sleep can make them could not focus in the class. Additionally, cramming can leave us with “something that I have seen before” in our memory. However, being able to recognize something is not the same as being able to recall it. Besides that, each person has their different sleeping time, so some of them often use a stimulant for cramming. Furthermore, that stimulant gives bad effect to its consumers. The example stimulant is coffee. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxiation Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on. 

To sum up, cramming is bad because it disturbs our regular sleep cycle which cause temporary intellectualn lapses and using stimulant for cramming gives bad effect to our health.


The example of the text above is the Analytical Exposition Text because the text provides an argument that Cramming or what we often call learning the overnight speeding system (SKS) is not good for students. In addition, the text has the same characteristics and structure as the characteristic and structure of the Analytical Exposition Text, namely:

Characteristic features:

  • It is an argumentative text with supporting reasons.

As we can see, the text is presented with several reasons that support the argument.

  • Using the Present Tense

All sentences in the text use the Present Tense.

Example: Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study before their test.

  • Using conjunctions.

The connecting words that we can find in the text are, for example, the first reason, additionally, furthermore, and thus.

  • Use evaluative words.

The evaluative words that we can find in the text are, for example, bad, great, good, and negative.

  • Using causal conjunctions for example because.

The structure of the cramming is bad

Cramming is Bad


How do you study when the test is coming? Do you start preparing for the test weeks or months before the test or leave things to the last hour? If you start studying weeks or months before the test, it is great. However, if you study all the material in the last hour or minute, it is not good for you and it is called cramming. Cramming is the situation when students stay up until morning to study before their test. 


This habit can lead to negative impacts for some reason. The first reason is that disruptions in the regular sleep cycle can cause temporary intellectual lapses. For most students, less sleep can make them could not focus in the class. Additionally, cramming can leave us with “something that I have seen before” in our memory. However, being able to recognize something is not the same as being able to recall it. Besides that, each person has their different sleeping time, so some of them often use a stimulant for cramming. Furthermore, that stimulant gives bad effect to its consumers. The example stimulant is coffee. It causes many problems such as Caffeine Intoxiation Syndrome, anxiety, panic, headaches, and so on. 


To sum up, cramming is bad because it disturbs our regular sleep cycle which cause temporary intellectualn lapses and using stimulant for cramming gives bad effect to our health.


that's all the explanation from my blog. hopefully it can be understood and get benefits for readers. That is all and thank you.❤❤

Rabu, 05 Agustus 2020

Party Time


😊Hello readers all meet again on my blog. here I will explain about invitation along with an example. let's see together.

Learn English invitation text - This word is invited as an invitation. Invitation is a word that we hear very often in everyday social life. However, Do you know what the definitions, communicative goals (objectives), and generic structure (arrangement) of invitations in English are? Let's begin the discussion.

Definition of Invitation Text in English
We often hear the word invitation (invitation) but what is the true meaning of this invitation text? According to the language experts as outlined in his dictionaries, the invitation was determined:

According to the Oxford Learner's Dictionary interpret "invitation" as follows:
a spoken or written request to somebody to do something or to go somewhere.
So "invitation" is a request either in the form of words or written to someone to do something or go somewhere.
Simply explain what is invitation? But in order to understand more here is a more comprehensive understanding of invitation.
According to, invitations are:

An invitation is a request, a solicitation, or an attempt to get another person to join you at a specific event.

If we interpret it in Indonesian, invitation is a request, invitation, or effort for others to be willing to join us at a certain event.

Communicative Purpose Invitation Text in English

Actually, from some of the meanings that have been conveyed above, the communicative purpose of the invitation text is very clear, namely inviting or inviting someone to attend a certain event. In general, each invitation will be marked with the purpose of including the following phrases:

  • Would you like to come
  • Would you like to join us
  • I would like to invite you
  • Request the present of ...
Basically, it can be marked with a variety of phrases and sentences that have the meaning of inviting the basic vocabulary of "invite", "join", "come", "request", etc.

Generic Structure Invitation English

The composition of sentences, phrases or paragraphs of an invitation is usually called a generic structure or schematic structure. In general, each invitation has its own uniqueness, but overall it can be underlined that the invitation (invitation text) will be written with the following structure:
1. Invite: Who is invited
2. Body of invitation: The contents of the invitation are usually in the form of the following:

Occasion: This invitation is made for what event
Day or Date: Day and date
Time: Time set
Place: The place where invited guests are expected to be

3. Inviter: Who invites
Once again the arrangement as above is just a general benchmark of how an invitation is written in English. And even so there will be many variations of the elements included in the invitation and it may differ from one another

Social life among humans is inseparable with the holding of various kinds of events. A collection of people will gather at certain events such as weddings, social gathering, meetings, etc.

Each event needs an invitation so that everyone who is expected to come to know information about the event being held. Now in English there are two types of invitations that can be made namely formal and informal invitations.

When viewed from the meaning, invitation is an invitation that can be written or oral form. In an invitation there is information or information about the event in question. Starting from the name of the person who was invited or who received the invitation to the time, day and date the event was held. The goal, of course, is that people who receive invitations come to the event.

Differences from Formal and Informal Invitations

different examples of formal and informal invitations
The difference between formal and informal invitations is on several factors. First is the language style. At formal invitations the style of language used is polite while informal is more relaxed. So that formal invitation is used on formal or important types of events. The second difference is structure or pattern.

In formal invitations there are certain patterns that must be followed especially in English. Because the scale of people downloaded is quite large and could have a high position. The structure must be clear and complete. Whereas informal invitations only need to convey complete information, so the structure is usually not given much attention.

3 Structure and Examples of Formal Invitations

Before entering into the formal invitation example, you should first learn what structures it uses. Both in terms of language style, sentence structure and phrases used. The following structure must be used.

1. Title
In English invitation, the invitation or person invited is called invitee. But in the invitation, the title can be called just invitation or the name of the event then followed by invitation. Seeing the title of the event, of course people who get an invitation already know the purpose of its contents.

Under the title also write the name of the person invited. Can use the word Dear or To. Then followed by Mr. or Mrs. and the name of the person. In this part of the prefix the concepts for all invitations are the same and must be present.

2. Fill in the Invitation
Enter the contents section then there is an opening word that is inserted after the name of the person invited. This greeting is a thank you and introduction for information on the event. Then proceed with the following sequence:

Occasion / Occasion:
Day and Date / Day and Date:

After the information is conveyed, it is followed by closing sentences and hopes to attend the event.

3. People who invite
Called inviter some formal invitations usually often include this third part. Especially if the invitation is for official events such as meetings.

This means that if there is a change in schedule or an error in the invitation to a question about the event, the person receiving the invitation can ask the inviter.

Formal Dialogue
Formal dialogue is a dialogue that uses language or formal and polite sentences, we usually do formal dialogue when we are in formal places and talk to people who are older than us, people we respect, and so forth.

Words that are often used in formal dialogues such as:
  • good morning, afternoon, night
  • could you help me? 
  • see you tomorrow
  • is this your? 
  • could you repeat it? 
The phrase is often used when the invitation is FORMAL or official activities
Gambar ungkapan contoh dialog Accepting an Invitation

This is Example Formal Invitation Card

informal Dialogue
Informal dialogue is a conversation that usually uses sentences or language that is more relaxed, this conversation is usually done with friends, friends or people who are already familiar. In addition, informal conversations are usually conducted in informal places such as at home, markets, malls, on the road and so on.

Words that are often used in informal dialogue, for example:

  • Hi!
  • hello
  • can you help me?
  • will you help me?
The phrase that is often used when the invitation is INFORMAL alias is not official
Gambar ungkapan contoh dialog Accepting invitations
 This example of informal Invitation card

In everyday life, of course, we often encounter situations where we invite someone or accept an invitation from someone else. Such as meeting invitations, birthday parties, wedding parties, graduation parties, and others. If you get an invitation from someone we can accept or reject it. Now here we will learn about how to accept and reject invitations verbally or in English asalah accepting and declining invitations.

The expression Accepting and Declining Invitation in situations:

Making Invitation
  • Would you come to… ?
  • Might you want to go along with us? 
  • Would you run with me today?
  • What about hanging out with us today? 
  • Do you like to come? 
  • Would you like to…? 
  • I would very happy if…?
  • We would be delighted if you…? 
  • Would you care to..? 
  • We would be pleased if you could…? 
Accepting Invitation
  •  That’s very kind of you 
  • We’d like very glad to…. 
  • What a delightful idea
  • With the greatest pleasure 
  • Thank you very much for inviting me 
  • It’s delightful to…. 
  • That would be very nice 
  • OK,I will be there ! 
  • I’d like love to come. 
  • Sure, I am coming 
  • Yes, obviously 
  • Alright, I’ll come 
  • That is a smart thought 
  • I can’t say no. 
Declining Invitatiom 
  • I’m very sorry, I don’t think I can go. 
  • I’d like to, but....
  • I’m afraid I’ve already promised.... 
  • Thank you for asking me, but.... 
  • Unfortunately, I can’t.... 
  • I'm Sorry, I can’t.
  • I’d love to, but....
  • I don’t think I can. 
  • I wish I could, but....
  • Sorry, I am very busy. 
  • Sorry, may be next time. 
  • Thank you, but I can’t. 
  • Sorry, I think I can't. 
  • I can’t come 
  • I am horribly sad 

Example dialogue of formal invitation :

Yuli : Hello, this is Yuli. May I speak to valent?
Valent : Hello, Valent is speaking now.
Yuli : Oh, hi Valent. I wonder if you’d like to come to my house right now. We’re having a great party.
Valent: I don’t think I can. I’m doing my homework. My parents won’t let me out before I finish my homework.
Yuli : That’s alright.
Valent: I hope you enjoy your party yuli. Bye.
Yuli : It is okay valent. Bye.

this is my Dialogue of formal invitation

🌹conclusion :

  • I wonder if you’d like to come to my house right now. We’re having a great party ( making invitation).
  • I don’t think I can. I’m doing my homework. My parents won’t let me out before I finish my homework (declining invitation) 
I want to explain the contents of my dialogue. contents of my dialogue that I made a very pleasant party at my house, I invited valent to come to my party. but i don't know whether valent can come or not. therefore, I called valent and it turned out that valent could not come. valent told me to have a nice party and she apologized to me for not being able to come to the party.

Example dialogue of informal invitation

Valent: yul, what will you do tomorrow morning?
Yuli: Not much, what did you have in mind?
Valent: The Surabaya Fair is going on downtown. Would you like to go?
Yuli : Sure, sounds like fun. What is it anyway?
Valent: Just a bunch of vendors selling food and clothes. There are also some music performers. It's interesting just to walk around looking at the people and the sights.
Yuli : What time and where should we meet?
Valent: The fair opens at 9 am. How about 10 am? we meet at my house
Yuli: Sounds great. See you then.
Valent : See you.

this is my video of  informal invitation

🌹conclusion :

  • The Surabaya Fair is going on downtown. Would you like to go? (making of invitation)
  •  Sure, sounds like fun. What is it anyway? (accepting of invitation)

I will explain the contents of my video is valent day, ask me if I have thoughts tomorrow and I answer no. valent planned to invite me to the Surabaya exhibition, and I agreed. we will go to the exhibition at 10 am at valent's house.

ok readers. that's all my explanation about invitation. I hope all readers understand my explanation. See you again. 😉😉❤❤💖

Letter to God (Personal Letter)

Personal Letter Hello, readers are back on Yuli's blog. Well this time I will explain about the personal letter and give a letter to God...